銘傳大學與光寶科技攜手培育國際菁英 助力全球佈局
2024年10月16日,銘傳大學與光寶科技公司隆重舉辦「光寶菁英人才培育計畫新生開學典禮」,歡迎來自越南的優秀外籍生加入這一產學合作計畫。本計畫以 MCU x LITEON Industrial Engineering Management Program 為核心,旨在培育光寶科技未來的核心人才,對接光寶越南工廠的人才需求,為全球佈局提供支持。
MCU and LITEON Join Forces to Nurture International Talent for Global Expansion
On October 16, 2024, Ming Chuan University and LITEON Technology held the inauguration ceremony for the MCU x LITEON Industrial Engineering Management Program, welcoming exceptional students from Vietnam into this impactful industry-academia partnership. The program aims to cultivate future talent for LITEON’s Vietnam operations, while also supporting its global expansion strategy.
Students will study in an all-English curriculum at MCU’s International College, focusing on Information Technology and Engineering Management. Selected students will receive generous scholarships and, upon graduation, job offers from LITEON. This collaboration highlights the mutual benefits of industry-academia partnerships, as MCU continues to foster international talent with a global perspective.