雄獅菁英學苑|Lion Academy Program

菁英學苑的五位銘傳學生,分別來自觀光與國企學程,在加入雄獅集團的 Lion Academy Program 後,已經度過了一個月的時間。這段時間裡,他們積極學習旅遊產品、通路和行銷等專業知識,並接受了入境旅遊基本操團行程安排的教導,包括全台旅遊特色景點介紹和操團概念。同時,他們也實際參與了一系列實務操作和觀摩,如郵輪地勤工作體驗、紐澳旅客入境接機、Call Center的跟聽、參觀鳴日號和禮賓室以了解相關作業和接待流程,以及參訪四代店門市以深入了解客戶接待等流程。


The five outstanding Ming Chuan University students from TR and IBT Program have completed their first month in the Lion Academy Program. During this time, they have been actively engaged in learning about products, channels, and marketing strategies, as well as receiving training on organizing inbound tour itineraries, including introducing tourist attractions across Taiwan and understanding the concept of tour management. Additionally, they have actively participated in a series of practical exercises and observations, such as experiencing ground handling duties for cruise ships, assisting inbound travelers from New Zealand and Australia, shadowing Call Center operations, visiting the Future Express Train and the concierge room to gain insights into related procedures and hospitality protocols, and touring fourth-generation retail outlets to gain a deeper understanding of customer service processes.

We believe that through the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, students will gain a deeper understanding of Lion Travel and the tourism industry, laying a solid foundation for their future endeavors. Ming Chuan University will continue to align with industry trends, providing students with ample resources and opportunities for growth.
